Unrestricting patients’ online services for those who have partially linked

This guide will show how to change restricted users to active users

For EMIS and Vision practices, patients can use Online Registration to partially link their Evergreen Life account to your practice without the need for codes. This allows the patient to view restricted services and book one appointment. You will need to change the patient from a restricted to an active user to provide the patient will full access.


Find the patient and browse to ‘Registration”

Select the PatientFacing Service tab. You will notice the patient has been marked as inactive with restricted access. Select ‘View Online Services’

Verify patient identity. The patient will now have full access to online Patient FacingServices

You will be asked if you want to print a pin document for the patient you will not need to print the PIN document for this user

Make sure RecordAccess has been enabled for the patient


Open the registration module and find the patient

Verify their identity and record this in the ‘Online Services’ tab

Click on ‘Upgrade OSU account’

Check that the functions available are as desired and click ‘OK’ to save