I've received an error message of 'already linked' when linking to my GP record

I've tried to link to my GP record, but when I submit the codes on my registration letter I receive an error message that says I am already registered.

You've tried to link to your GP record for the first time, so why do you see an error that says you are already registered?

The registration letter issued by your practice will contain a linkage key or a third-party passphrase. This key can only be used to link an account once, after which it is invalidated immediately (please note, an unsuccessful link attempt does not invalidate the key). You will see an ‘Already Registered’ error on screen when you try to link with a key that has been invalidated in this manner. Possible causes include: 

  1. ‍You have previously used the code to link another account. Perhaps you created an account with a different email address? 
  2. ‍You are trying to re-link an account using an old code. Perhaps you unlinked the account and are now trying to re-link it?
  3. ‍Your practice may have reprinted an old letter instead of issuing a new one. 

In any case, you'll need to resolve this issue by contacting your GP Practice to request that they reset your online registration, and issue a new letter to you. When you receive the new letter, check it and make sure that the link key/third-party passphrase on it is different to the key you tried to use previously. If the code is the same then you have a reprint of the old letter and this won't work – you need a new code in order to be able to link. 

Ok, my GP has issued a new letter and I used it to link. Is it possible that I now have 2 linked accounts? 

No. When your GP Practice resets your online registration it will automatically remove any existing links to your record. 
