Why are online services missing in my GP record?

I have linked my Evergreen Life account to my GP's online service using the registration letter. Why are parts of my medical record missing and why are some services not available?

You have received a letter from your GP regarding their online service and have used it to link your Evergreen Life account. But why don’t you have access to all the advertised services? This article will help you to check your account settings to find out.

Your GP Practice administers the access patients have to the online services and this part of their computer system can be tailored to their preferences. Whilst this gives the GP Practice greater flexibility in terms of choosing what to make available, it can also mean that you do not have access to all the parts of the service you expect or would like. However, this does not necessarily mean that your practice prevents access to this part of the service. 

So how do you check the access you have? 


On the Evergreen Life app: 

  1. Go to your 'GP System'. 
  2. If any of the tiles in this screen are greyed out, then these parts of the service may not currently available to you (please check with your practice). 
  3. Tap on ‘View Medical Record’. Again, any greyed-out tiles indicate parts of the service that may not be available to you. 

If any parts of the service are not accessible and you'd like to get access to them then please contact your GP Practice. When doing this, it's important to note the following: 

Your practice may offer to reset your account or issue a new passphrase – But this will not fix the issue! Resetting your account breaks the link between your Evergreen account and the practice. Linking using a new set of codes will simply result in the same level of access being applied again. 

Some GP systems can be configured at both an organisation level (settings that will apply to all patients) and on an individual patient basis. For you to see a part of the service, both the organisation level and patient level options need to be switched on. 

The settings for medical record access can be quite granular in detail. If you can see part, but not all of your medical record, please ask your practice to check your registration and confirm which parts of the record you have access to. 

This all sounds complicated 

We agree! 

We also appreciate that many practices have not been given enough exposure to online services and may need assistance when configuring their practice. 

We’re happy to help your practice where we can. We've got a number of handy guides for NHS Professionals and practices can contact us directly here.

On the Evergreen Life Website: 

  1. Click on ‘Settings’. 
  2. Click on ‘My Gadgets’. 
  3. ‍From here you can view and activate/de-activate each part of the Evergreen Life service, including the parts of the service provided by your GP Practice. If you cannot enable any of these services (they may be greyed out) then they have not been made available to you by the GP Practice. 
  4. Go to the homepage.
  5. ‍Check your medical record to see if any parts of it are not visible. 

If any parts of the service are not accessible and you'd like to get access to them then please contact your GP Practice. When doing this, it's important to note the following

Your practice may offer to reset your account or issue a new passphrase – But this will not fix the issue! Resetting your account breaks the link between your Evergreen account and the practice. Linking using a new set of codes will simply result in the same level of access being applied again. 

Some GP systems can be configured at both an organisation level (settings that will apply to all patients) and on an individual patient basis. For you to see a part of the service, both the organisation level and patient level options need to be switched on. 

The settings for medical record access can be quite granular in detail. If you can see part, but not all of your medical record, please ask your practice to check your registration and confirm which parts of the record you have access to. 

This all sounds complicated 

We agree! 

We also appreciate that many practices have not been given enough exposure to online services and may need assistance when configuring their practice. 

We’re happy to help your practice where we can. We've got a number of handy guides for NHS Professionals and practices can contact us directly here.