Link to my GP record without a registration letter
How do I link my Evergreen Life account to my GP record without a registration letter from my GP?
One of the key features of the Evergreen Life app is being able to link with your GP* so you can use online services and have your health records just a couple of clicks away.
*Available at GP practices in England.
If you want to link to your GP online services but you're unable to visit the practice to get a registration letter, you can still link through the Evergreen Life app or website.
How to register for GP online services without a letter in the app:
Use NHS login
The simplest way to link to your GP is to use the NHS login button in the app. Using NHS login means you don’t have to go through your practice, saving you and them time. Just follow the simple steps below.
- Log in to your Evergreen Life app and go to the GP section in the overview page of the app. If you do not yet have the app, you can download it for free here.
- Tap “Link to your GP” and then “Continue with NHS login”.
- Follow the steps on screen to set up your NHS login. You’ll need to take a photo of a piece of identification such as your driving licence, passport or European national identity card. You will also need to video yourself saying 4 numbers.
- After completing the steps to finish NHS login, log out of your app.
- You’ll need to wait for an email from NHS Digital to confirm your registration is complete. Then when you log back into the Evergreen app, choose “use NHS Login” and enter your NHS details. When you go to GP services, you should be linked to your online GP services and GP record.
Still not got access?
If NHS login did not work for you, you can get access via another method. The online registration option allows you to get limited access to book an appointment, order repeat medication and see a basic GP record summary. It is also only available at certain eligible practices. To check whether your practice allows this:
- Open the app and click on the GP section on the overview screen.
- Tap “Link to your GP” and then scroll down to the option in the list which says 'Online Registration.'
- Tap 'Register online'
- Enter your practice name or postcode and then select your practice from the list that appears.
- Tap 'I do not have a letter or email.'
If your GP's system does not support registration without a letter, you will see a message on screen at this point to let you know that it is not possible. You will need to contact your GP Practice and request a letter that gives you access to GP services. Your letter needs to contain either a “linkage key” or a “passphrase.” They may need to confirm your identity in person or you may be able to email a picture of your ID to them - please check with your practice. Once you have that letter/email, you can follow the steps to enter the codes in the app here.
However, if a form appears inviting you to enter more details then it is possible to register without the letter – continue to 7.
- Fill in the on-screen form completing all fields.
- Click on ‘Link Account'.
You'll now be able to view a summary of your medical record and you'll have the ability to book a single appointment using the online service. Then when you go to your appointment, ask your practice to verify your online account so that you can have full access to the online service.
Further information:
How to register for GP online services without a letter on the website:
Use NHS login
The simplest way to link to your GP is to use the NHS login on the website. Using NHS login means you don’t have to go through your practice, saving you and them time. Just follow the simple steps below.
- Log in to your Evergreen Life account. If you do not yet have an account, you can sign up here.
- Go to the 'My GP' section and click on the blue NHS login button.
- Follow the steps on screen to set up your NHS login. You’ll need to take a photo of a piece of identification such as your driving licence, passport or European national identity card. You will also need to video yourself saying 4 numbers.
- After completing the steps to finish NHS login, log out of the website.
- You’ll need to wait for an email from NHS Digital to confirm your registration is complete. Then when you log back into the Evergreen website, choose “Login with NHS login” and enter your NHS details. When you go to 'My GP,' you should be linked to your online GP services and GP record.
Still not got access?
If NHS login did not work for you, you can get access via another method. The online registration option allows you to get access to a limited number of services and is only available at certain eligible practices. To check whether your practice allows this:
- Click on ‘Settings’ at the top of the screen.
- Click on ‘My GP’ from the settings drop-down menu.
- Enter your practice name or postcode.
- Click on ‘Find Practice’ then select your practice from the list that appears.
- Click on ‘I do not have a letter or email’.
If your GP's system does not support registration without a letter, you will see a message on screen at this point to let you know that it is not possible. You will need to contact your GP Practice and request a letter that gives you access to GP services. Your letter needs to contain either a “linkage key” or a “passphrase.” They may need to confirm your identity in person or you may be able to email a picture of your ID to them - please check with your practice. Once you have that letter/email, you can follow the steps to enter the codes in the app here.
If a form appears inviting you to enter more details then it is possible to register without the letter – continue to 7.
- Fill in the on-screen form completing all fields.
- Click on ‘Link Account'.
You'll now be able to view a summary of your medical record and you'll have the ability to book a single appointment using the online service. Then when you go to your appointment, ask your practice to verify your online account so that you can have full access to the online service.