What’s in an Evergreen Life DNA Test kit and how do I provide a DNA sample?
I’ve ordered a DNA testing kit. What’s included in the DNA collection box and how do I provide my DNA sample?
If you have purchased an Evergreen Life DNA Test, providing a sample for us to test your DNA is simple. All you need to do is give a saliva sample using the kit we send you. No pain, no mess, no drama.
When you receive your Evergreen Life DNA Test kit, carefully tear the strip on the box to access the contents. Take care not to destroy the box, as you will need this to send your sample back to us.
Within your kit, you’ll find the following:
- Instructions leaflet
- Saliva collection tube (with cap and DNA stabilisation solution)
- Saliva collection funnel
- Sample security bag
- Sample kit box with return address label already attached
Important information – Please read before attempting to collect your sample:
- Carefully read all the instructions in this article before taking any action.
- Only those who are 18-years-old or over are eligible to take the Evergreen Life DNA Test. Please refer to our terms of use, and privacy policy on the website.
- The Evergreen Life DNA Test is intended for those that live within the UK.
- Make sure you’re able to download the Evergreen Life app so that you can link your DNA collection kit and sample.
- Do not eat, drink, smoke, chew gum, brush your teeth or use mouthwash for at least 30 minutes before collecting your sample. You may also wish to avoid any cosmetics that may interfere with your sample so that we can get your best sample and deliver you a full set of results.
- Do not consume the solution inside the collection tube. Consult your doctor immediately if accidental consumption occurs.
- Saliva collection tube caps may pose a choking hazard.
- Please store the test kit components between 15°C and 30°C, and keep out of direct sunlight.
- Please re-cycle any unused plastic.
Please note:
- Linking your kit: We are currently updating the process for linking your kit in the Evergreen Life app. Instead of following the instructions in your kit leaflet for this step, simply click here on your mobile device to link your kit in the app. Or, you can tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner of the app, and then ‘Link DNA kit’.
- Sample returns: There is now no requirement for you apply the return label to the box, as stated in the instructions leaflet, as the label is now already affixed to the box directly for your convenience.
With these exceptions, please follow the remainder of the instructions leaflet carefully, or the up-to-date instructions below in this article.
Preparing to provide your DNA sample
- Firstly, please ensure that you read the instructions leaflet carefully before proceeding to take your sample.
- Next, if you haven’t already done so, download the Evergreen Life app and log in, or create a new account.
- From the app Home screen, tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right-hand corner of the app. In the app menu, tap ‘Link DNA kit’. (If you can't find this screen in the app, simply click here on your mobile device).
- The app will prompt you to scan or enter your unique code found on the collection tube.
- Follow the steps prompted by the app to successfully link your sample and kit.
Collecting your DNA sample
- With clean hands, remove the cap from the saliva collection tube, and put the cap aside for later use.
- Take the saliva collection funnel, and screw it onto the collection tube.
- Hold the collection tube to your mouth, and spit into the funnel until the level of the liquid reaches the 2ml line indicated on the tube. Make sure to avoid including bubbles when measuring the level. Try to do this in one continuous go. This process typically takes 2-5 minutes.
- Carefully remove the collection funnel by unscrewing, and replace the collection tube cap and secure tightly. Discard the funnel, as you no longer need this.
- Shake the collection tube several times to mix the saliva with the preservation solution already inside the saliva collection device.
Package and return
- Place the sealed collection tube within the sample security bag for safety and to prevent any contamination, making sure to seal the bag.
- Put the sealed sample back in the DNA kit box.
- Make sure the excess flap on the box that allowed you to access your kit has now been removed.
- Securely close and reseal the box by peeling off the adhesive strip and pressing down firmly.
- All you need to do now is pop the sample kit box in a post box and wait for your results. We’ll let you know when our lab has received your sample, and your results should arrive on your Evergreen Life app within 6-8 weeks of us receiving it.
Happy spitting!
In the meantime, why not discover more about your health and wellbeing in the Evergreen Life app?